There’s one phrase I’ve been using a lot, as I’ve been promoting my young adult space-opera Victories Greater Than…
There’s one phrase I’ve been using a lot, as I’ve been promoting my young adult space-opera Victories Greater Than…
Every few months like clockwork, it happens again: the never-ending debate over Strong Female Characters.
When I started working on io9 in 2007, we didn’t have a name for the site yet. We hadn’t come up with any real plans…
Sorry, Han Solo and Mr. Sulu. Based on everything we know right now, you’ll never be able to punch a button and…
We all know the drill. There are three kinds of movies for kids: 1) Ones that are for adults, just as much as kids…
Guy Gavriel Kay has carved out a unique niche, writing fantasy novels that take real-life historical settings and…
For years, Person of Interest has been right on the cutting edge between commenting on current events and…
The UK’s Arthur C. Clarke Award just announced its six book finalists for 2016—and the result is a combination of…
We’ve been anxiously awaiting HBO’s Westworld for what feels like forever. Originally, we hoped Westworld…
Last night’s Game of Thrones begins with the sightless gaze of Jon Snow, right where we left him last year. But the…
Tonight’s 12 Monkeys is a huge turning point for the show. I can’t tell you any more than that—but if you’ve been…
It’s been just one year since season five of Game of Thrones, but it feels like forever. And there are so many…
Back in 2012, a movie called Snow White and the Public Domain IP unexpectedly made almost $400 million. And that’s…
Prince always had superpowers. You only had to witness him picking up a guitar or sitting down at a keyboard to know…
We all know who the main characters of George Lucas’ six Star Wars films are: Anakin Skywalker, his son and…
Winter hasn’t arrived yet on Game of Thrones, but there’s still a bit of “winter of our discontent” going on. Season…
“Prince está muerto. Prince is dead.” A female voice announces these words in a sing-song, matter-of-fact tone…
You thought it couldn’t be done! But they totally did it.
Chances are, you already have a whole shelf full of Ursula K. Le Guin books. You’re not a monster, right? But you’re…
In a couple of days, Hollywood will unleash its latest fairytale movie on the world. The Huntsman: Winter’s War is…