I dug out my kinja log in just to ask you what, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck. Read more
Big love for Spidey family. Read more
Ooof both of your examples hit me head on. Had the exact same experience growing up gay and finding some solace in Fable for allowing me to live out that fantasy. I get the feeling of, too late, with mass effect 3, I’d been so used to playing as a female character to get the narratives of romancing men in bioware and… Read more
If my Commander Shepard was meant to be an extension of myself, and if I was gay, I frustratingly wondered, why couldn’t I fall in love with this man? Read more
Ha. I just made a comment on your Virmire article yesterday basically asking where you were at with romance for legendary. This def. answers that. I just wish we could romance him in earlier games, it makes me feel like i am missing out. Here is the comment from yesterday that is buried since it is an older article,… Read more
This very much resonates with me, growing up closeted and not enjoying the forced heterosexual options. I couldn’t romance Kaidan, but I still was VERY okay killing off Ashley with her strict monotheistic views on the universe. It got annoying and I never used her. Read more