Musical product demos aren’t known for producing masterpieces. Typically, they feature a fine technical musician running through a few unnotable bars of a song while they emphasize a specific feature of the gear. Then there’s Realitone’s demo for its Realivox Ladies software which features a segment of sound that blows a hole in the fabric of space and time.
Yesterday, Twitter user @jessehamel_ unearthed this clip from a 2015 YouTube video showing off the software’s potential, and it just has to be heard to be believed:
Every second of the clip is comedic gold. From the voiceover guy’s aww shucks throwback style to the introduction of Patty, to the just-gargled-shattered-glass nursery rhyme rapper to the climactic pivot into opera, the track just keeps leveling up.
I didn’t know I needed a ladies’ vocal sample library in my collection. What seemed to be an aging bit of ho-hum software is actually capable of producing sounds never heard by man or beast. It’s a perfect demo.